Monday, July 9, 2012


Guess which child of the 80s just bought tickets to the Duran Duran concert next month?


I am so excited. I had a huge crush on Simon when I was 12-years old (but not as large as my Billy Idol and David Bowie crushes). I've wanted to see Duran Duran for a long time, but their tour never jived with my schedule, or I'd find out about the tour the week after they came to my area, or whatever.

I read about their tour on Success Along the Weigh and knew I had to go.

They aren't coming to Michigan, but they will be in Highland Park, IL, which is north of Chicago. The concert is on a Wednesday, which just happens to be my day off. :) I won't have to find anyone to cover my shift (score), and I can take a half-day on Thursday since I'll be getting home super late (double score). Additionally, I can take the Metra to Ravinia Park (triple score because I love trains).

Now I just need to take a look at the various train schedules and figure out if I'm going to take the South Shore to Chicago from Indiana or if I'll have to park somewhere in Chicago. Parking won't be an issue since I know a few neighborhoods that don't require permits. ;)

/cue my usual beef that Amtrak doesn't offer a late-night train back to Michigan


Update on 9/13: Duran Duran had to cancel their Chicago date due to illness and do not plan to reschedule. :(

1 comment:

  1. That is sooo cool!!! Would love to see them! One of my best friends used to be obsessed with them!LOL Have fun!!!


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